Our Priority

80% of the current membership list Environment as an area of concern. People are passionate about protecting our precious beachside environment, along with the small areas of open space in our 300 hectare suburb.Protection of the remaining coastal vegetation and our 1.8 km of marine coastline is critical, and many organizations are involved. We will seek to identify issues, advocate for local interests, and assist wherever possible to maintain and protect the habitat.

Committee Members

Mario Barbagello (Chair), Lindsay Hope, Jane Minor, Josie Ryan.

Current Plans of Sub-Committee

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  • The Association, in partnership with the SCC Community Nature Conservation Program, established a working group called the ALEX FORESHORE CONSERVATION GROUP who work with Council on monthly working bees to restore the coastal environment.
  • For the past three years this group has worked on re-establishing a burnt out area near beach entrance 167 - by the Mandin St steps.  With a focus on re-vegetation cover and planting of Pandanus to complement the beautiful beachside tree, the Association has applied to re-name this area Pandnaus Cove in honour of the 100 Pandanus trees planted in his aarea.
  • Additionally the group has contributed to re-vegetation of the sand replenished dunes along the beachfront north of the Surf Club in 2013, 2014 and 2015.   Our group also works in association with Surfriders who look after part of this coast.
  • Proposed a baordwalk be established along the beachfront joining Alex and Maroochydore beaches in front of the caravan park.  This proposal needs serious funding and is being considered by Council.
  • Focus on a scientific approach to Coastal Change/Management Issues and co-ordinate education and local information sessions.  Council has conducted two serious beach focused seminars in 2014 and 2015 at our suggestion and here at the links to the papers presented.


A number of other groups also work in our forests and foreshore and we fully support the work they do in and around Alex.ALEX FOREST PRESERVATION SOCIETY - This non profit organization is dedicated to the preservation and conservation of Alex Forest Park and conduct regular working bees on the first Saturday morning of each month. see linkSURFRIDERS – This non-profit organization is dedicated to the protection of waves and beaches through Conservation, Advocacy, Research and Education (CARE). They work on a number of projects from coastal erosion issues, beach access, marine debris clean-ups and environmental monitoring.THE MAL CLUB – conduct an annual clean up of the area around the Bluff.THE ALEXANDRA HEADLAND ROTARY CLUB - conduct the annual Clean Up Australia Day rubbish campaign.  Come help them next year!conserv 2